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In the latest episode of The One Shot Movement podcast, Craig Schulze catches up with Nick Bell, a successful entrepreneur who has taken his passion for business and channeled it into the world of health and longevity. Nick’s journey into wellness is a blend of simple yet impactful health practices and cutting-edge treatments aimed at living a longer, healthier life. Here are  some of the highlights from this enlightening conversation.

A Balanced Approach to Health

Nick Bell's approach to health is refreshingly balanced. He emphasizes that while advanced treatments and supplements can make a significant difference, the basics should never be overlooked. For those just starting out on their health journey, Nick recommends focusing on a few core supplements that can have a big impact.

  1. Vitamin D3 with K2: Nick is a huge advocate for Vitamin D3, especially when combined with K2. He explains that this combo not only boosts your immune system but also prevents calcification of the arteries, a common issue with standalone D3 supplements.

  2. Magnesium: Another must-have, according to Nick, is magnesium. It's a critical mineral that supports everything from muscle function to sleep quality.

  3. Tongkat Ali: For men, particularly those over 30, Nick suggests considering Tongkat Ali. This natural supplement can help maintain healthy testosterone levels, which are crucial for overall well-being.

  4. NMN and CoQ10: As we age, our NAD levels drop, affecting our energy and cellular repair processes. Nick supplements with NMN to boost these levels and adds CoQ10 to his regimen for its cancer-preventive properties and overall health benefits.

Exploring Advanced Longevity Treatments

While these supplements are great for general health, Nick is also at the forefront of more advanced treatments aimed at extending life and improving quality of life. He shares his experiences with gene therapy, stem cells, and a cutting-edge treatment called hydrogel.

Hydrogel is a fascinating innovation that involves injecting a gel-like substance into injured joints, helping to repair damage by wrapping around the tear. This is followed by injecting stem cells to aid in healing. Nick is excited about this treatment, particularly for its potential to restore his knees to their former glory.

The Future of Health with Super Young

Nick's passion for health has also led him to establish Super Young, a cutting-edge clinic in Australia focused on longevity and regenerative medicine. At Super Young, Nick and his team offer a range of treatments designed to help clients optimize their health and extend their lifespan. From blood work analysis to personalized supplement plans, Super Young aims to be at the forefront of the longevity movement.

Wrapping Up: Nick’s Vision for the Future

As the conversation with Craig wraps up, Nick reflects on his health journey and his vision for the future. He’s committed to continuing his exploration of the latest health innovations, always looking for ways to enhance his well-being and share that knowledge with others.

For anyone interested in learning more about Nick Bell’s work or exploring the treatments available at Super Young, the podcast offers a wealth of information. Whether you're just starting your health journey or are interested in the latest advancements in longevity, this episode is a must-listen.

Remember, as Craig often says, “You’ve got one shot at life—give it your best shot.” With insights like these, you're well on your way to doing just that.

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