Are you looking to become the needle in the haystack of your busy industry? 

In the 1990's I remember getting my first e-mail address. If you didn't have one you were left behind.

In the early 2000's when we were starting to progress into the online world my business advisor said to me, "Craig, if you do not have a website you do not have a business".

Then as I was establishing myself in business and wanting to be ahead of the game as soon as social media was around I was on all the platforms. 

Now the same can be said for AI. 

The moral of the story is about first mover advantage and being the needle in the haystack of your busy industry. 

If you look like everyone.

If you talk like everyone.

If you have the same product or service as everyone.

Then unfortunately, you are the hay. 

Why not try become the needle. 

In my Market Leader Framework we discuss this in detail because I want you to become the go to Market Leader in your industry. 

One thing you can easily do is enhance the quality of your content. 

To give you some ideas I have shared my own Brand Portfolio and what I have put together for some of my podcast guests. 


If you would like uplevel your brand look and feel, plus get a rock solid content audit and strategy you can do so be reaching out at craig@craigschulze.com and in the subject line post BRANDING ENHANCEMENT

One Shot Success Secrets

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