Season 12 One Shot Movement Podcast - INTERVIEW WITH NICK MAXWELL - Former Australian Football League Player - Collingwood (1).png

--------- EPISODE SUMMARY ---------

Listen in as we journey through the remarkable career of returning guest and former Premiership Captain of the Colomwood Football Club, Nick Maxwell. From his initial struggles in the sporting world to his triumph as a Premiership captain, Nick now heads an exciting startup business. In this episode, he generously shares his insights on leadership and the importance of personal experience and reflection in developing people.

Nick then takes us on a tour of Eclat, a unique co-working space that aims to foster deep relationships and connections lost due to COVID-19. Exploring the amenities and community-focused initiatives, we discuss how ecla is changing the landscape of co-working spaces and offering value to its members. We also delve into how the increasing value of time in the post-COVID world is encouraging businesses to adapt to more efficient working models.

In the final chapters, we dissect the various aspects of leadership styles and the critical role of team effort in any successful project. Nick talks about the importance of taking risks and stepping out of comfort zones, emphasizing the need to find your passion and the right people to share it with. He shares his personal experiences, the importance of resilience, and how Eclat aims to empower people to make the most of life. Don't miss this inspiring conversation with Nick Maxwell!

--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

(0:00:05) - Nick Maxwell's Phenomenal Business Career
(0:07:07) - Building Confidence and Leadership Actions
(0:17:09) - Building a Community-Focused Co-Working Space
(0:26:13) - Exploring the Value of Co-Working Spaces
(0:30:05) - Different Office Options and Community Building
(0:34:33) - Building Culture and Teams
(0:42:23) - Team Effort and Leadership Styles
(0:48:28) - Empowering People to Maximize Life
(0:53:43) - Appreciate and Promote the One Shot Movement


(0:00:05) - Nick Maxwell's Phenomenal Business Career
Nick Maxwell shares his knowledge on leadership, emphasizing personal experience and reflection, from being denied by multiple clubs to captaining a Premiership team and now leading a startup.

(0:07:07) - Building Confidence and Leadership Actions
We discuss breaking down inspirational speeches, investing in oneself, and resilience.

(0:17:09) - Building a Community-Focused Co-Working Space
eclat's eight-year journey, Hawthorne East, members-only bar, restaurant, cafe, podcast studio, and event space foster deeper connections and relationships.

(0:26:13) - Exploring the Value of Co-Working Spaces
COVID-19 has increased the value of time, leading to Eclat's satellite office model and the need to deliver value to customers.

(0:30:05) - Different Office Options and Community Building
Eclat offers perfect fit for small to medium businesses, 24/7 access, food/drink vouchers, free events, business support, and Vic and Woods partnership.

(0:34:33) - Building Culture and Teams
Leadership, team dynamics, and feedback are essential for success, and Eclat provides the perfect fit for businesses to build a culture of success.

(0:42:23) - Team Effort and Leadership Styles
Nick shares insights on relationships, timing, advice, and team-building for Eclat success.

(0:48:28) - Empowering People to Maximize Life
Nick encourages taking smart risks to open opportunities, emphasizes passion and relationships, and promotes's services.

(0:53:43) - Appreciate and Promote the One Shot Movement
Nick shares experiences of reconnecting, opportunities, relationships, Eclat's offerings, building/maintaining culture/team dynamics, and the importance of leadership.


(0:00:05) - Nick Maxwell's Phenomenal Business Career (7 Minutes)

We {deeply} explore the entrepreneurial and business success of returning guest and former Premiership Captain of the Colomwood Football Club, Nick Maxwell. We discuss his journey from being denied by multiple clubs to becoming the captain of the Premiership team, to now leading a startup business. Nick shares his knowledge on leadership and how to develop people, emphasizing the importance of personal experience and reflection.

(0:07:07) - Building Confidence and Leadership Actions (10 Minutes)

We discuss the need to break down the idea of a great inspirational speech and to focus on the little one percenters - those small moments of leadership that can make a big difference. We also explore the importance of investing in yourself and challenging yourself continuously to keep up with the ever-changing world. Finally, we touch on resilience and understanding how to respond when things don't go as planned.

(0:17:09) - Building a Community-Focused Co-Working Space (9 Minutes)

We discuss how relationships and connections have been lost due to COVID-19 and the transactional nature of meetings. We explore how tclat is facilitating deeper connections and relationships between members through their hospitality-infused offices, community events, and modern technology. We look at the eight and a half year journey of Eclat, their first site Hawthorne East, and the various amenities that are available for members such as a members-only bar, restaurant, cafe, podcast studio, and event space.

(0:26:13) - Exploring the Value of Co-Working Spaces (4 Minutes)

Analyzing how the value of time has increased since COVID-19, and how this has changed the way people work, we look at how Ecla is encouraging businesses to move to a satellite office model, fostering a more efficient way of working. Additionally, we discuss the importance of making sure to deliver on promises and providing value to customers.

(0:30:05) - Different Office Options and Community Building (4 Minutes)

I examine the two different offerings that Ecla provides and how it's the perfect fit for small to medium businesses. We look at the membership option which includes 24/7 access to the on-site gym, food and drink vouchers, and free events every Thursday night. We also explore how Ecla provides support for those developing their business and introduces its members to inspiring people in the building. Finally, we discuss the partnership with Vic and Woods and how it is an iconic Melbourne brand, and the importance of selecting partners that add value for members.

(0:34:33) - Building Culture and Teams (8 Minutes)

Building and maintaining culture and team dynamics are essential in sport and business. A leader is only part of achieving success, and it takes a collective effort to bring a team together. Taking time to review and understand the dynamics of the team, as well as the ability to take feedback and use it to improve, are important. Ecla provides the perfect fit for small to medium businesses, and its offerings can be used to create a culture of success.

(0:42:23) - Team Effort and Leadership Styles (6 Minutes)

Nick shares his insights on the value of relationships in business and how the timing of his involvement with Eclat was perfect. He also shares his most and least favorite pieces of advice, and recommends a few books, podcasts, and shows for others to learn from. We explore how the team behind Eclat was built, and the importance of a team effort to make the project a success.

(0:48:28) - Empowering People to Maximize Life (5 Minutes)

Nick shares his experiences of taking risks and how this has enabled him to reconnect with people and open up opportunities he wouldn't have had if he had stayed in his comfort zone. He emphasizes the importance of finding a passion and the people you want to do it with, and to take smart risks instead of staying safe and not taking any risks. He also talks about and the services they offer to small to medium businesses, as well as the membership options available to people. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of relationships and team dynamics in business and how they are essential for success. Empowering and inspiring people to make the most of their one shot at life is discussed.

(0:53:43) - Appreciate and Promote the One Shot Movement (2 Minutes)

Nick shares his experiences of reconnecting with people and how this has opened up opportunities as well as the value of relationships and the perfect timing of his involvement with Eclat. We look at the two different offerings Eclat provides and how it's the perfect fit for small to medium businesses. We finish with a discussion on building and maintaining culture and team dynamics in sport and business and the importance of having a leader as part of achieving success.


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Reach Nick Maxwell here:

Nick Maxwell's LinkedIn:

Nick Maxwell International Speakers Group:

Eclat Website:

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