
The One Shot Movement Podcast


You get one shot in this life. Are you using it to its full potential? In this series, we'll interview some of the biggest entrepreneurs and get their stories on how they used their "one shot" to take a big leap in their life and business and to get to where they are today.



Interview with Lance Picioane - CEO of Love Me Love You Foundation

And to open our Season 2 for The One Shot Movement Podcast, we interview former AFL player, Lace Picioane. Lance is now the Founder & CEO of Love Me Love You foundation, a NFP organisation that delivers Mental Health awareness education and support programs. Lance has battled his way through Mental Illness since he was 13 years old, substance abuse issues for 6 years and nearly suiciding in 2011. Lance connects his story to the community so that we can all create change and make a difference through awareness, acknowledgement and action programs and campaigns. Get ready to listen to his journey and we're hoping this inspires you to take your best shot at life and business. Read more

Welcome to The One Shot Movement Podcast Season 2

We are so excited to come back with full force and even newer and more exciting entrepreneur interviews with our Season 2 of The One Shot Movement Podcast. Read more