
The One Shot Movement Podcast


You get one shot in this life. Are you using it to its full potential? In this series, we'll interview some of the biggest entrepreneurs and get their stories on how they used their "one shot" to take a big leap in their life and business and to get to where they are today.



Interview with Lisa Teh - Founder of CODI, Author and Linkedin Expert

Lisa Teh is the Founder & Director of CODI Agency, a content and digital marketing agency focused on lifestyle brands, based in Collingwood, Victoria. She’s also the author of best selling books Australian Style and Australian Beauty and podcast host of In Conversation With Creatives which features interviews with global thought leaders. Today, she graces us with her knowledge on everything about agency growth and social media on episode 2 of season 10, The One Shot Movement Podcast. Read more

Season 10 Trailer - The One Shot Movement Podcast

Welcome to Season 10! Who's excited for an even bigger and juicier set of interviewees? Listen to this trailer to find out what's coming up next on the One Shot Movement Podcast, Season 10. Read more